6 Steps to Planning a Cosmetic Case
After years of experience, we know how challenging cosmetic cases can be for both the practitioner and the dental technician.
These cases require careful planning and a clearly defined process. We will gladly guide you through the process to ensure the best results.
Here are the steps to planning a cosmetic case:
Diagnostic wax-up: This is based on an aesthetic and functional analysis.
Creating a visual: We use digital smile design technology to give your patient the opportunity to try-in their new smile before committing to the treatment plan.
Prep day: The mock-up putty is a great aid on prep day with the prep guide. Take a digital or traditional impression of the prepped teeth.
A: If you make chairside provisionals from the putty provided: Make all final adjustments at this step, and take a digital or traditional impression of the provisionals.
B: If you are using our reline provisional temps: Seat the provided reline temps in the mouth. Make all final adjustments at this step, and take a digital or traditional impression of the provisionals.
Prototype try-in appointment: Depending on the type of provisionals, a prototype try-in may be required.
For chairside provisionals, an extra PMMA prototype try-in appointment is mandatory.
For reline provisionals, an extra appointment may be needed for a prototype try-in if there are major modifications to the reline temps or if we suspect discrepancies on occlusion, margins, or reduction space.
Final delivery: Once everything has been cemented and adjusted, you send us new scans or traditional open bite impressions (at least 1mm rear opening) for us to make a precision milled nightguard.
A carefully defined process is the best way to ensure fantastic results!